

We’re in the dog days of summer and since it’s not here for long, let’s capitalize on all that sunshine while it’s here! Instead of just sitting on a park bench, why not use it to get healthier and fitter? Keep reading today’s article for Gidon’s park bench outdoor workout!

What better motivation is there to work out than with the ideal conditions of summer (at least in the morning and evening when the sun isn’t too hot)? Whether you’re in a city or small town, you’ve got a park bench at your disposal.

Gidon’s Park Bench Workout:

Word of caution: For beginners, try to find a bench that has short legs or even a fallen tree of a good height for you. If you can’t find one, simply perform the following exercises slowly and carefully, and adjust the reps to your fitness level. You still want to raise your heart-rate, though, so put some effort into the workout without compromising your safety.

  • 1. Warm up:
    Walk up and down the bench slowly and carefully. Step up leading with the right foot, follow with the left so you’re standing on the bench, step back down with the right. 20-30 reps. Change legs: Step up leading with the left foot, step down leading with the left. 20 to 30 reps.

  • 2. Partial Step Ups:
    Repeat the warm up step ups BUT don’t fully step up on the bench with your opposite foot. That is, lead with the right, don’t lock the knee, and bring your left foot off the ground. Come back down on the left foot. 20 reps each leg.

  • 3. Scissor Taps:
    Lead with right, tap your foot against the bench and bring it back down to the ground. Do the same leading with the left. Increase your speed (depending on your fitness level) until you’re hopping from foot to foot, using a scissor-like leg motion. 20 taps each foot.

  • 4. Active Rest:
    Let’s bring down your heart-rate a bit – stand near the bench like you’re about to sit down on it. For beginners, raise one foot off the ground and sit down, stand back up using both legs. Repeat with other leg, raising the opposite foot. For more advanced, do the same movement but don’t let your butt hit the bench. 20 reps each leg.

  • 5. Scissor Taps:
    While many people eat for different reasons (read: How to Control Over-Indulgence & Stop Over-Eating), we need to remember the primary purpose of eating is to fuel our bodies. We all need a certain amount of carbs to have immediate energy available to get through our day and enough protein to rebuild muscle. Old cells die and new ones are created all the time with whatever nutrients are floating around our bodies at the time; so the quality of calories are uber important – do you want a Kia or a Cadillac as a body? Also keep in mind stress strips our bodies of many nutrients so the more stress we have, the more nutrients we need.

  • 6. Heavy Unassisted Step Up:
    This is a very difficult move. Normally when you step up, you use your other foot to lift off from the toe. In this case, the stabilizing leg will be “turned off” and will not assist in stepping up on the bench. Place your right foot on the bench and shift your weight forward. Make sure any remaining weight on the left foot is on the heel, not the toe. Step up using all your weight on the right leg. Do 8-10 reps on each leg.

  • 7. Dips:
    Sit on the edge of the bench with your legs straight out and place the heels of your palms on the bench next to your butt. Lift your butt up, chest up and bend your elbows to just above a 90 degree angle. Dips isolate your triceps so avoid using any of your shoulder muscles. 30 reps.

  • 8. One-Legged Sit Downs:
    Just like in the active rest exercise, lift the left foot off the ground and sit down using only the right leg. In this phase, however, stand back up using only the right leg. 10-20 reps each leg.

  • 9. Push-Ups:
    For beginners, keep your toes on the ground and use the bench with your hands to push up and down. Intermediate, place your feet on the bench and your hands on the ground. Advanced, same as intermediate but raise one leg up. 20 reps.

  • 10. Supermans:
    Lay on your stomach in the grass, hands out straight in a “T” formation. With your elbows locked and hands shoulder height, palms facing towards the grass, like you’re flying, squeeze all your posterior muscles to elevate your chest and legs, keeping your head down. Repeat 50 times.

  • 11. Cooldown:
    Finish off the workout on your elbows and toes in a plank position. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Feel free to print this out and bring it with you to the park. If you do end up trying it out, please feel free to come back here and tell us how you liked it! If you’d like more workouts like this one, contact us for your free consultation.

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